Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- ANGEL INVESTOR - a private wealthy individual that has no association with a venture capital firm, inve...
- ANGELS - Private individuals with capital to invest in business enterprises.
- ANKLE BITER - Stock issued with a market capitalization of less than $500 million.
- ANNEALING (SIMULATED) - Generally a metallurgical process, in artificial intelligence a process in whic...
- ANNEXATION - An addition to property by the act of joining or uniting one thing to another, as in attac...
- ANNOUNCEMENT DATE - Date on which particular news concerning a given company is announced to the public...
- ANNUAL BASIS - The technique in statistics of taking a figure covering a period of less than one year a...
- ANNUAL CAP - The limit on the amount an adjustable rate mortgage's interest rate can change over a 12-m...
- ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE - Monthly loan payments (principal and interest, if any) times 12 months.
- ANNUAL EARNINGS CHANGE - (%) The historical earnings change between the most recently reported fiscal y...
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