Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- DIFFERENCE FROM S&P - A mutual fund's return minus the change in the Standard & Poor's 500 index for th...
- DIFFERENCE-IN-MEANS TEST - A statistical test that indicates the likelihood of observing the difference...
- DIFFERENCING - Subtracting previous from current values to obtain a stationary (detrended) time series:...
- DIFFERENTIAL - refers to what was once the traditional difference in interest rates on savings deposits...
- DIFFERENTIAL DISCLOSURE - The practice of reporting conflicting or markedly different information in of...
- DIFFERENTIAL SWAP - Swap between two LIBOR rates of interest, e.g., yen LIBOR for dollar LIBOR Payments...
- DIFFERENTIALS - Price differences between classes, grades, and locations of different stocks of the sam...
- DIFFUSION EQUATION - A partial differential equation, used in solving a random walk problem.
- DIFFUSION INDEX - An index that measures the percentage of individual series that are positive compared...
- DIFFUSION PROCESS - A conception of the way a stock's price changes that assumes that the price takes o...
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