Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION - A chart showing the number of times (or "frequency") an event occurs for each ...
- FREQUENCY DOMAIN - Variation in a time series is accounted for by cyclical components at different freq...
- FREQUENCY RESPONSE - The transfer of the frequency of the underlying data, usually prices, to the frequ...
- FRESH PICTURE - Updated estimation of a stock or market, usually following recent trading activity or n...
- FRESH SIGNAL - Piece of information (fundamental or technical) leading one to believe a stock will move...
- FRESH START - informal term for the new accounting rules applicable to bankrupt companies. For companie...
- FRESH START ACCOUNTING - upon emergence from bankruptcy, the consolidated financial statements of the "...
- FRF - The ISO 4217 currency code for the French Franc.
- FRIABLE - The breaking down of a substance into tiny filaments and particles. Asbestos is harmful only ...
- FRIABLE ASBESTOS - Any material containing more than one-percent asbestos, and that can be crumbled or ...
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