Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- GOLD FIXING - The process of determining the price of gold based on supply and demand forces of the mar...
- GOLD MUTUAL FUND - A mutual fund that primarily invests in gold-mining companies' stock.
- GOLD STANDARD - The gold standard is a monetary system that measures the relative value of a currency a...
- GOLD/SILVER RATIO - Refers to the monetary conversion rate between one ounce of gold and the appropriat...
- GOLDBUG - Analysts who recommends gold as an investment/hedge.
- GOLDEN BUNGEE (CORDS) - A lucrative executive pay package that includes a severance agreement and cash,...
- GOLDEN HANDCUFFS - A method of insuring that key employees remain with the company for a certain period...
- GOLDEN HANDSHAKE - A clause in an executive employment contract that provides the executive with a lucr...
- GOLDEN HELLO - A cash payment or other remuneration paid to a new executive as an incentive to join a c...
- GOLDEN MEAN OR GOLDEN RATIO - The ratio of any two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, known...
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