Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- HIGHS - Stocks that have hit an all-time high for the current 52-week time period.
- HIGHWAY - In common parlance, a road which offers higher speed limits than a normal urban street. In le...
- HINES RATIO - A modified put/call ratio that refines traditional option ratio analysis by including the...
- HIP - The intersection of two roof planes, forming a ridge running down the roof from peak to eave.
- HIRE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT - a contract (more fully called contract of hire with an option of purchase...
- HIRE PURCHASE - The right to purchase an asset by the user of the asset according to a pre-agreed metho...
- HIRING FREEZE - A temporary restriction on hiring in order to achieve financial savings.
- HISTOGRAM - A table or bar chart displaying a probability distribution. All of the probabilities in the...
- HISTORIC DISTRICT - A classification (whether under zoning, heritage or other authority) of a specific ...
- HISTORIC PRESERVATION - A movement to protect buildings with historic value from destruction or extensi...
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