Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- LAST TRADING DAY - The final day under an exchange's rules during which trading may take place in a par...
- LAST UPDATED - The Last Update column on a quotes results table tells you when the information was last...
- LAST WILL - Literally, the will last executed by an individual, which revokes any former existing wills...
- LAST-IN FIRST-OUT - Is the accounting technique whereby the last items in inventory are paired against ...
- LATE CHARGE - An additional charge a borrower is required to pay as a penalty for failure to pay a regu...
- LATE CHARGES - Charges that are assessed for late payments of principal or interest on a loan. Late cha...
- LATE FEE - A charge assessed by a lender for payments received after a specific due date.
- LATE FEES - Fees that lenders are entitled to collect from borrowers who don't pay within the grace per...
- LATE PAYMENT - A payment received after the grace period stipulated in the note. Most mortgage grace pe...
- LATE PAYMENT FEE - The charge that may be imposed if the Minimum Monthly Payment is not received by the...
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