Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- MINT CONDITION - A term describing a building or item that's just like new.
- MINUS - The symbol (-) that precedes the change figure in a stock table to indicate a closing sale lowe...
- MINUS TICK - See: downtick .
- MINUTES - A written record of the events of a corporation, typically including all of the events taking...
- MIP - See: Monthly income preferred security
- MIP (MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUM) - It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on a...
- MIPS - Monthly Income Preferred Shares (q.v.).
- MIRAS - Mortgage interest relief at source. This was tax relief on your mortgage but was abolished by t...
- MISAPPROPRIATON - a nonviolent criminal taking of property. Includes embezzlement, theft, and fraud. Of...
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