Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- OUTSIDE REVERSAL MONTH - A month in which the recent monthly trading range exceeds the previous month's...
- OUTSOURCE - to obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; i.e., to contract work outside of you...
- OUTSOURCING - Subcontracting a certain business operation to an outside firm instead of doing it in hou...
- OUTSTANDING - Used in the context of general equities. Stock held by shareholders (verses the company's...
- OUTSTANDING BALANCE - The amount you owe on your credit card. This is the balance used to calculate pay...
- OUTSTANDING CHECK - a check that has not yet been presented for payment to the financial institution on...
- OUTSTANDING DEBT - that portion of a debt which remains unpaid. Outstanding loan balance refers to that...
- OUTSTANDING DEBT TO CONSOLIDATE - The total amount of all debt the borrower desires to payoff and conso...
- OUTSTANDING DIVIDENDS - Dividend checks which have been mailed to shareholders of record but not yet ca...
- OUTSTANDING SHARE CAPITAL - Issued share capital less the par value of shares that are held as the comp...
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