Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- PL - The two-character ISO 3166 country code for POLAND.
- PLACE - The marketing of new securities, usually through sales to institutional investors. See: Float.
- PLACEMENT - bank depositing Eurodollars with (selling Eurodollars to) another bank is said to be making...
- PLACEMENT AGENT - a company that specializes in finding institutional investors that are willing and ab...
- PLACEMENT RATIO - The percentages of last week's new municipal bond offerings that have been bought fro...
- PLAIN ENGLISH - (USA) The SEC rules requiring issuers to write the cover page, summary, and risk factor...
- PLAIN VANILLA - Simple; not complex. Sometimes used to differentiate pass-through MBS pools from CMO st...
- PLAIN VANILLA SWAP - See: Fixed for floating swap
- PLAINTIFF - A person who initiates a case in Court. That person may also be referred to as the Claiman...
- PLAM - price-level-adjusted mortgage
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