Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- PRIVATE SALE - The selling of a property by the owner without the use of a real estate agent. The owner...
- PRIVATE SECTOR - that portion of the economy composed of businesses and households, and excluding gover...
- PRIVATE SECURITIES - securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and...
- PRIVATE TREATY SALE - Sale of property through an estate agent, where the purchaser agrees to pay or ne...
- PRIVATE UNREQUITED TRANSFERS - Resident immigrant workers' remittances to their country of origin as we...
- PRIVATE-LABEL PASS-THROUGHS - Related: Conventional pass-throughs.
- PRIVATE-PURPOSE BOND - A municipal bond allowing more than 10% of the proceeds go to private activities...
- PRIVATIZATION - Privatization is the conversion of a government-run enterprise to one that is privately...
- PRIVILEGE - A right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit advantage.
- PRIVILEGED SUBSCRIPTION - The sale of new securities in which existing shareholders are given a prefere...
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