Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- BEQUEATH - To leave an item of personal property to a certain person in a will (see "Devise", which ref...
- BEQUEST - A gift by will of personal property. If the bequest is money to the extent it is paid out of ...
- BERM - a mound of earth created for either decorative purposes or functional reasons, such as controlli...
- BERMUDA OPTION - An option that allows the issuer of a security to call the security at discrete points...
- BERNOULLI OPTION - See Introducing: the Bernoulli Option in "Derivative Games".
- BEST ASK - The lowest quoted offer of all competing Market Makers to sell a particular stock at any giv...
- BEST BID - The highest quoted bid of all competing Market Makers to buy a particular stock at any given...
- BEST EFFORT PURCHASE - A method of selling newly issued securities whereby the underwriters are expecte...
- BEST EFFORTS - A high standard of undertaking, but nevertheless excusable in the event of a force majeu...
- BEST EFFORTS OFFERING - a commitment by a syndicate of investment banks to use best efforts to ensure t...
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