Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- BUMP-UP CD - A certificate of deposit granting the owner the right to increase its yield one time for t...
- BUNCHING - Describes the act of traders combining round-lot orders for execution at the same time. Bunc...
- BUND - German Federal Government Bonds (BUNDesanleihen) . (Source:
- BUND FUTURES - The DTB Futures contract on a notional long term (8.5 - 10 years) debt security of the G...
- BUND FUTURES OPTION - An American option that settles into a BUND Futures (q.v.) contract. Payment of t...
- BUNDESBANK - Established in 1875, the central bank of West Germany, located in Frankfurt.
- BUNDLE - A Strip (q.v.,#2) of consecutive, quarterly Eurodollar or Euroyen futures contracts. Markets, ...
- BUNDLE OF LEGAL RIGHTS - The concept of land ownership that includes ownership of all legal rights to t...
- BUNDLE OF RIGHTS - A set of legal rights that an owner has regarding a property.
- BUNDLES - Are variations of strip trades whereby a trader or risk manager can place a series of calenda...
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