Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- DESCENDING TOPS - A chart pattern which in which each successive peak in a security's price is lower th...
- DESCENT - The conveyance of property to those heirs of a deceased person as dictated by the laws of the...
- DESCRIPTION - Also known as "Legal Description". The manner in which a piece of land is identified. May...
- DESCRIPTOR - A variable describing assets, used as an element of a risk index. For example, a volatilit...
- DESIGN RISK - The risk associated with the impact on project cash flow from deficiencies in design or e...
- DESIGN/BUILD - A system in which a single entity is responsible for both the design and construction
- DESIGNATED AGENCY - Your agent continues to represent you while another agent in the same firm represen...
- DESIGNATED AGENT - A licensee authorized by a broker to act as the agent for a specific principal in a ...
- DESIGNATED ORDER TURNAROUND - Is the New York Stock Exchange's computerized order entry system. It is a...
- DESIGNATED ORDER TURNAROUND SYSTEM (DOT) - Computerized order entry system that allows orders to buy or...
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