Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- GROSS SALARY - The total amount of salary earned before taxes and other deductions are made. Different ...
- GROSS SALES - The total dollar value of all revenue derived by the firm from the principal operations o...
- GROSS SAVINGS - total savings, including interest credited.
- GROSS SCHEDULED INCOME - The maximum amount of rent if the property were 100 percent occupied.
- GROSS SPREAD - The difference (spread) between a security's public offering price and the price paid to...
- GROSS WEIGHT - The full weight (including goods and packaging) of shipment.
- GROSS WORKING CAPITAL - The firm's investment in current assets (such as cash and marketable securities...
- GROSS YIELD - the return on a security or other investment before deducting costs or losses incurred in...
- GROSS-BONDED DEBT - The total amount of direct debt of an issuer, represented by outstanding bonds befo...
- GROSSING UP - an adjustment of an option pool for management and employees of a company which increases...
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