Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- LATIN AMERICAN MODEL - an accounting model. There are other accounting systems which differ from the U....
- LATITUDE - Distance on the earth's surface, measured northward or southward from the equator measured i...
- LAUNDER - To move illegally acquired cash through financial systems so that it appears to be legally ac...
- LAW OF AGENCY - A fiduciary relationship is created under the law of agency when a property owner, as t...
- LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS - The mean of a random sample approaches the mean (expected value) of the populati...
- LAW OF ONE PRICE - An economic rule stating that a given security must have the same price no matter ho...
- LAW OF SERIES - A succession of random events, such as flipping a coin.
- LAY CARDS ON THE TABLE - be perfectly honest
- LAY OFF - In the context of general equities, this eliminates all or part of a position by finding cust...
- LAYUP - Used in the context of general equities. Easily executed trade or order. See: Lead pipe.
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