Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- MARKET CAP - This is the company's market capitalization. If a company has 10 million shares and the co...
- MARKET CAP OR MARKET CAPITALIZATION - Is a value placed on a company. It is computed by multiplying the...
- MARKET CAPITALIZATION - Market capitalization is a measure of the value of a company, calculated by mul...
- MARKET CAPITALIZATION RATE - Expected return on a security. The market-consensus estimate of the approp...
- MARKET CHECK - An investigation typically conducted by an investment banking firm, on behalf of a targe...
- MARKET CLEARING - Total demand for loans by borrowers equals total supply of loans from lenders. The ma...
- MARKET CONDITIONS - Factors that affect the sales of homes in an area, such as interest rates, the unem...
- MARKET CONVERSION PRICE - Also called conversion parity price, the price that an investor effectively p...
- MARKET CORRECTION - A relatively short-term drop in stock market prices, generally viewed as bringing o...
- MARKET CYCLE - The period between the two latest highs or lows of the S&P 500, showing net performance ...
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