Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- PIPELINE - Is a type of risk often associated with mortgages. It occurs from the time an application is...
- PIPELINE RISK - Slang term describing the possibility that a lender will lose money as a result of comm...
- PIPES - see Private investment in public equities.
- PIPESTEM LOT - A lot connected to a public street by a narrow strip of land. Usually several adjacent p...
- PISCAN DOCUMENT - a precursor of double entry bookkeeping, dates from the early 12th century. Records i...
- PIT - The area on a trading floor where futures and options are traded. Often there are multiple pits o...
- PIT COMMITTEE - A committee of the exchange that determines the daily settlement price of futures contr...
- PIT OR RING - The place on the floor of an exchange where a commodity futures or options contract is tr...
- PITCH - The exterior slant or angle of a roof system.
- PITH - Principal, Interest, Taxes, Heating and half of Condo Fees, if applicable. Otherwise known as yo...
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