Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- PORTABILITY OR PORTABLE LOAN - A portable loan allows you to sell your house and move to a new one with...
- PORTABLE MORTGAGE - A mortgage which allows you to transfer the amount and terms over to a new property...
- PORTAL - 'Private Offerings, Resale and Trading through Automated Linkages'. A market created by The Na...
- PORTAL MARKET - The trading market for unregistered securities that is operated by NASDAQ.
- PORTFOLIO - If you own more than one security, you have an investment portfolio. You build the portfoli...
- PORTFOLIO ALLOCATION BY REGION - The distribution, by geographic region, of a portfolio's holdings.
- PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS - Is the methodology which quantified systematic and nonsystematic risk for investme...
- PORTFOLIO ASSET ALLOCATION - The distribution, by type of asset, of a portfolio's holdings.
- PORTFOLIO BETA - Used in the context of general equities. The beta of a portfolio is the weighted sum o...
- PORTFOLIO COMPANY - a company that has received an investment from a private equity fund.
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