Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- QUOTATION - Highest bid and lowest offer (asked) price currently available on a security or a commodity...
- QUOTATION (QUOTE) - On a stock market, a quotation combines the highest bid to buy, and the lowest offe...
- QUOTATION BOARD - The electronic board at a brokerage firm displaying prices other financial data.
- QUOTE - The highest bid and lowest offer price currently available on a security. Bid and asked quotes ...
- QUOTE RULE - Rule requiring market makers to publish quotations for any listed security when a quotatio...
- QUOTE TO CASH - covers the business process for creating a quote for a prospect or customer, order mana...
- QUOTED PRICE - The price at which the last trade of a particular security or commodity took place.
- QUOTRON - A proprietary financial data service.
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