Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- STOCK SPLIT-DOWN - the reverse of a stock split. The total number of shares outstanding is lowered by i...
- STOCK SYMBOL - A unique four- or five-letter symbol assigned to a NASDAQ security. If a fifth letter ap...
- STOCK TICKER - This is a lettered symbol assigned to securities and mutual funds that trade on U.S. fin...
- STOCK TRANSFER BOOK - A book where all the owners of shares of stock in a corporation are listed.
- STOCK TURNOVER PERIOD - calculated: Long Term Disabilities X 100% / Cost of Sales.
- STOCK TURNS - the number of times per year that the stock (raw material, wip & finished goods) is turne...
- STOCK UPSIDE NOTE SECURTIIES - Lehman Brothers' listed, senior debt securities that offer upside partic...
- STOCK WATCHER (NYSE) - A computerized service that monitors and investigates trading activity on the NY...
- STOCK-TYPE SETTLEMENT - A settlement pro c e d u re in which the purchase of a contract requires immedi...
- STOCKBROKER - a person who serves as a middleman and, for a fee, facilitates the transactions between b...
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