Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Y - Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is an ADR
- Y2K - Refers to the Year 2000. It is often associated with a computer software problem frequently refer...
- YANKEE BOND - Yankee bonds are bonds issued in dollars in the US by overseas companies and governments....
- YANKEE BONDS - Foreign bonds denominated in U.S. dollars and issued in the United States by foreign ban...
- YANKEE CD - A CD issued in the domestic market, typically New York, by a branch of a foreign bank.
- YANKEE CDS - Certificates of deposit denominated in U.S. dollars and issued in the United States by a U...
- YANKEE MARKET - The U.S. foreign market (q.v.). The market in the U.S. for securities that non U.S . co...
- YARD - Slang for one billion currency units. Used particularly in currency trading, e.g., for Japanese ...
- YATES'S CORRECTION - When a small amount of data is available for testing, the chi-square formula is ad...
- YE - The two-character ISO 3166 country code for YEMEN.
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