Credit Cards
QWhat You Should I Consider Before Accepting A Credit Card Offer?
AAll credit cards will cost you something (although some may cost more than others), and most of them will offer you a variety of benefits. When evaluating a credit card offer, here are some points to consider: 1. How widely (internationally, nationally, regionally, or locally) is the card accepted? 2. How much is the total credit limit, and how much is the cash advance credit limit? 3. What's the interest rate, and how is it calculated? 4. Will different interest rates for purchases, balance transfers, and/or cash advances apply? 5. What method determines the outstanding balance used to calculate the finance charge? 6. What is the grace period (if any)? 7. What fees may be charged? 8. If your card accesses an automated teller machine (ATM) network, are the machines conveniently located? 9. What special services or other enhancements (e.g., purchase protection, credit insurance) are available, and will you incur any additional cost for them?