QIf My Credit Record Is Less Than Excellent, Can I Still Buy A Home?
AYes. Your credit doesn't have to be perfect to purchase a home. Lenders rate loan applicants by their credit risk. Borrowers are rated from A to E, with A-rated borrowers being the best credit risks. The better your rating, the better the loan terms a lender will offer you. Small financial slip-ups, such as being late on a mortgage payment in the past year, can move you from the A to B list. If your credit rating is less than an A, your best bet for getting a mortgage is to bypass the banks altogether and head straight for a mortgage broker specializing in difficult loans. Small financial slip-ups, such as being late on a mortgage payment in the past year, can move you from the A to B list. If your credit rating is less than an A, your best bet for getting a mortgage is to bypass the banks altogether and head straight for a mortgage broker specializing in difficult loans. Experian (formerly TRW): (800) 392-1122, Equifax: (800) 685-1111, Trans-Union Corporation: (800) 888-4213,