Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- EARNED INCOME - Your earned income is pay you receive for work you perform, such as salaries, wages, ti...
- EARNED INCOME CREDIT - A credit that low-income workers can receive. If you are eligible, you must file...
- EARNEST MONEY - Money deposited by a buyer under the terms of a contract, to be forfeited if the buyer ...
- EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT - A sum of money paid by a potential purchaser as proof of her intention to compl...
- EARNING ASSET - An asset that generates income, e.g., income from rental property.
- EARNING ASSETS - total assets less repossessed assets, office premises and equipment, and nonaccrual lo...
- EARNING POWER - Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) divided by total assets.
- EARNING QUALITY - best determined through the inverse relationship between the amount of time elapsed b...
- EARNINGS - From a corporate perspective, earnings are profits, or net income, after the company has pai...
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