Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- DEFLATOR - A statistical factor used to convert current dollar purchasing power into inflation-adjusted...
- DEFUNCT - something that has ceased to exist; a company or organization that has been dissolved.
- DEGREE - One 360th of a circle. One 90th of a right angle. Used in astronomic bearings in metes and bou...
- DEGREE DAY - A measure of the coldness of the weather (heating degree day) or its heat (cooling degree ...
- DEGREE OF FINANCIAL LEVERAGE (DFL) - The percentage change in a firm's earnings per share (EPS) resulti...
- DEGREE OF OPERATING LEVERAGE (DOL) - The percentage change in a firm's operating profit (EBIT) resultin...
- DEGREE OF TOTAL LEVERAGE (DTL) - The percentage change in a firm's earnings per share (EPS) resulting f...
- DEGREE-DAY - A unit of measure for the deviation of a day's average temperature from the arbitrary stan...
- DEGREE-DAY SWAPS - A Swap (q.v.) that receives (pays) a floating payment proportional to the change in ...
- DEGREES OF FREEDOM - The number of independent observations; the number of observations minus the numbe...
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