Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- DAY LOAN - A loan from a bank to a broker prior to the delivery of securities. Upon the delivery of the...
- DAY LOW - This is the lowest price that a security has traded at during the day.
- DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL ACCOUNT - A bank account that pays interest according to the number...
- DAY ORDER - A day order is an instruction you give to your broker to buy or sell a security at a partic...
- DAY TRADE - Also known as a "daylight trade." The purchase and sale or the short sale and cover of the ...
- DAY TRADER - When you buy and sell an investment within a very short time, sometimes as short as a few ...
- DAY TRADING - Is the investment, speculation or risk management approach which is limited to intraday a...
- DAYLIGHT OVERDRAFT - A negative position in a bank's Federal Reserve account that occurs at any time du...
- DAYS CASH ON HAND - calculated: Cash/([operating expense - depreciation expense]/365).
- DAYS IN RECEIVABLES - Average collection period.
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