Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- LOG IN - The procedure by which a customer "enters" an online financial institution. When logging in, c...
- LOG-LINEAR LEAST-SQUARES METHOD - A statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. ...
- LOGARITHMIC SCALE - On a logarithmic scale or graph, comparable percentage changes in the value of an i...
- LOGGING - the practice of recording data, in some medium, sequential input, often in a time-associated ...
- LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION - Pattern of frequency of occurrence in which the logarithm of the variable foll...
- LOI - Is a Letter of Intent.
- LOMBARD LOAN - A secured loan the Bundesbank makes, based on the pledge of high grade securities, inten...
- LOMBARD RATE - Applies mainly to international equities. Interest rate the German Bundesbank uses as an...
- LONDON COMMODITY EXCHANGE (LCE) - Merged with the London International Financial Futures and Options Ex...
- LONDON INTERBANK BID RATE (LIBID) - The bid rate that a Euromarket bank is willing to pay to attract a ...
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