Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- LONG-TERM GAIN - A profit on the sale of a capital assets held longer than 12 months, and eligible for ...
- LONG-TERM GAIN (OR LOSS) - When you sell an asset, such as a security or real estate, that you have hel...
- LONG-TERM GOALS - Financial goals expected to be accomplished in five years or longer.
- LONG-TERM INTEREST RATES - Interest rates on loan contracts--or debt instruments such as Treasury bonds...
- LONG-TERM INVESTOR - A person who makes investments for a period of at least five years in order to fin...
- LONG-TERM LEASE - In most markets, this refers to a lease whose term is at least three years from initi...
- LONG-TERM LIABILITIES - liabilities of a business that are due in more than one year. An example of a l...
- LONG-TERM LOSS - A loss on the sale of a capital asset held less than 12 months that can be used to off...
- LONG-THE-BASIS - A person or firm that owns the spot commodity and hedges with a sale of futures is sai...
- LONGITUDE - Distance measured east or west on the earth's surface, measured by the angle which the meri...
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