Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- BROKERAGE ACCOUNT - To buy and sell securities through a broker/dealer or other financial services firm...
- BROKERAGE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD) - A large-denomination CD sold by a bank to a brokerage, which th...
- BROKERAGE COMMISSION - The amount of money your brokerage house would charge for a given transaction (b...
- BROKERAGE FIRM - Brokerage firms are licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to buy an...
- BROKERAGE WINDOW - A 401(k) account that permits its plan participants to buy and sell investments thro...
- BROKERED CD - A brokered CD is a certificate of deposit sold by a middleman, called a broker. Financial...
- BROKERED DEPOSITS - deposits placed in a savings institution by a broker. The broker gathers funds from...
- BROKERED MARKET - A market in which an intermediary offers search services to buyers and sellers.
- BROKERS CALLS - Individuals who buy stocks on margin borrow part of the funds to pay for the stocks the...
- BROKERS FEE - A fee charged by an intermediary or advisor for locating the most appropriate mortgage fo...
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