Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- CENTERS OF INFLUENCE - Influential people in a community. Real estate agents cultivate relationships wi...
- CENTRAL BANK - Organization which is officially in charge of managing a national currency. Some Central...
- CENTRAL BANK INTERVENTION - The buying or selling of currency, foreign or domestic, by central banks, i...
- CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) - The business and commercial "core" of a municipality (also known as "...
- CENTRAL INDEX KEY - A unique code used by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to identify c...
- CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM - The Law of Large Numbers states that as a sample of independent, identically di...
- CENTRALISED LENDER - "Term used to describe a mortgage lender who does not rely on a branch network for...
- CENTRALIZED CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT - Provision of consolidated cash management decisions to all MNC units...
- CENTS PER SHARE - The amount of a mutual fund's dividend or capital gains distributions that a sharehol...
- CENTURY BONDS - Are securities with a maturity equal to 100 years.
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