Business and Personal Finance Dictionary
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- CERTIFICATED - Legal term used (especially in UCC Article 8) as an adjective to describe stocks, bonds,...
- CERTIFICATELESS MUNICIPALS - Municipal bonds with one certificate which is valid for the entire issue, ...
- CERTIFICATES OF AMORTIZED REVOLVING DEBT (CARD) - Pass-through securities backed by credit card receiva...
- CERTIFICATES OF AUTOMOBILE RECEIVABLES (CAR) - Pass-through securities backed by automobile loan receiv...
- CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (COPS) - A form of lease revenue bond that permits the investor to partic...
- CERTIFIED CHECK - a check drawn on funds in a depositor's account that have been set aside to pay the c...
- CERTIFIED COPY - A copy of a document which bears some form of declaration (usually by the holder of th...
- CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP) - Individual who is trained to develop and implement financial plans ...
- CERTIFIED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - are financial statements that have undergone a formal audit by a certi...
- CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER - A person who has met the requirements to be licensed to appraise the valu...
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