Payday Loans Without Direct Deposit
Payday loans without direct deposit can be risky. If a cash advance company offers payday loans without direct deposit, research the company to make sure they are not charging larger fees and what their procedure is to retrieve money from you. As always, know all the details of any loan you consider taking out.
Payday loans without direct deposit offer an opportunity for you to give the lending company a bank account number that is not used for your direct deposit and/or does not require you to even have direct deposit with your job. Lenders are taking a risk by not requiring the information of your immediate income so they may charge higher fees. Another thing to think about is the procedure you need to go through in order to make the payment on time if they are not going to take out of your immediate income account.
Like with any loan, think of the worst case scenario and ask those questions to a potential lender. For example, what happens if you can't pay the loan back in time? Or what happens if a check bounces? You never want these things to happen, but they might so you need to know all the information to make an educated decision.
Payday loans without direct deposit can be more of a hassle if you cannot get the money to the bank before the payday loan company wishes to take the money out. Find out what time of day the money will be taken out so you can have the money deposited to avoid overdraft and NSF fees. Also find out from your bank how long it takes for your check to be deposited into your account. Some banks take up to 24 hours to deposit checks, so don't make assumptions, make sure you know your facts.
Payday loans without direct deposit require discipline and organization. Not only do you need to deposit your paycheck in a timely manner, but you also need to make sure you consider bills you need to pay outside your payday loan. Weigh factors such as late fees and overdraft fees if you get to payday and realize you don't have enough money to pay the loan AND last until next payday. Bottom line: use this money VERY wisely.